Services and Solutions
Hansen Actuarial brings depth and expertise across a range of insurance, actuarial and risk management functions. No matter the size or structure of your business, we have the technical chops to wrangle any type of data structure, and the statistical chops to capture the signal in your data.
Loss Reserving
Reserving is a risk management function, especially today with higher inflation and economic cycles. Hansen Actuarial provides a full range of loss & loss adjustment services, including serving as the Appointed Actuary for several companies. We provide supporting services by partnering with Company actuarial staff to assist during financial close cycles.
Rate Making
Building the components of an adequate premium means that the rate matches the exposure. Combining modern actuarial and analytical techniques with deep market expertise, our team aims to incorporate underwriting and claims disciplines of your business to build a rating plan that syncs with your business plan.
Risk Management
Estimating capital requirements is essential for every business, and we can help discern the risks that drive capital needs. We also offer reinsurance risk transfer testing, regulatory review assistance such as ORSA, and loss reserve range estimation. Our risk management team can help your business build actionable risk appetite and risk tolerance standards.